About Me

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I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, and so much more. I have two wonderful handsome little men, and an amazing husband in my life! I try to live for them the best I can and live my life to it's fullest! I love music and I would be totally lost without it! I love to learn new and challenging things, and meeting new people; because people are so interesting! I have endured some pretty rough patches in my life and have done my best to become a better person. I thank my little men, my husband, my sister and my dad and the Lord for helping me accomplish what I couldn't do alone!!!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Today is January 30,2011 and it started off crappy. First I wake up at 3 A.M. for work to discover that my car battery is dead completely DEAD, I try charging it and still nothing. I finally went into the house and woke my husband up to ask if I could take the truck, the car should be charged before he had to go to work. He agreed. I get to the gas station for my daily coffee and the cops were there (which is not abnormal), I go in and get my coffee and ask the gentleman working how his night was going. He sighed and went on to telling me. He tells me that there was a man that had came in previously and broke his glass pipe (for those that don't know what this is; it is a glass pipe that you can smoke meth out of). And then a little later another man came in and wanted to start a fight with this gentleman. So his night was NOT very good.

As he was telling me the events of the night, the police officer came back in with his rubber gloves and I was standing at the counter and he holds this broken glass pipe up that has meth in the stem and I am sure my eyes got big at that moment. I was a meth addict for 8 years and I have 6 years clean. But it is my deepest weakness. To see that brought back good and lots of bad memories and I had to pray to God that he would be with me today to keep my mind positive and I had to thank Him for where He has lead me in my life today. I am thankful that I not on meth anymore, but I will NEVER doubt myself when it comes to that drug!!!!Then at work I was cleaning up and people were coming in left and right for donuts and by 8 this morning I had to pretty much start my day all over and get more donuts, it has turned into a great positive day!!!

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